Friday, December 18, 2009


This was 2 months ago.

Aunt found this Pomenarian dog in a drain near her parking area.
U'll never want to rescue a fugly dog which has got bleeds on both its ears and
has some kind of weird skin disease all over its body.
One word to describe this dog,
it's gross!

Well, just so you know... I have a very kind aunt..
(p/s: Aunt, if u're reading this, pls don't get too flattered ayte!)

Aunt rescued the dog from the drain and sent it to a vet,
got a cage, food, shampoo, and meds for the him.
Btw, the dog's medicated shampoo is far more expensive than my shampoo. -.-''
It costs more than 40 bucks.

She practically spent few hundreds $$ on that erm..
i shall not call it fugly so let's call it..
a dog- which- has- got- funny- look.
I'm not tryna be evil or wutsoever here but it looked really
hideous when it first came to my house.

Nobody wants to touch him, sees him or even go near to him b'cuz
it has got some kinda weird smell on its,
I was in the midst of studying for SPM and there he comes,
the dog.
To be honest, i was afraid to even see it..

With the love and attention we have for him,
he gets really happy
and with all the love and attention we gave, he starts to recover slowly.
He's getting cuter and cuter day-by-day.
; )

Oh and btw, this dog's officially owner is 'ME'.
Neway, I've started to fall in love with this dog since day one.
It's a-he-likes-me-I like him kind of thing.
hey! it's not wrong to fall in love with dogs!
Just so u knw, dogs are always faithful and loyal to their owners, unlike man!

p/s: to all the guys out there;
If dogs can be so faithful and loyal, maybe u guys shud follow doggie's good example
which is to always be faithful and loyal to your gf and wife.
Well, it's true wert, if dogs can be loyal and faithful why not us as human?
does this make sense to u?
I know this doesn't make much sense to u ppl.

Neway, this doggie of mine is extremely healthy, phat and hairy.
It's a male and ma cousin has decided to name him Robbie.
Robbie the phatty.
Robbie is part of our family and
this is how he looks like now..
I snapped these pics tis morning.
Have fun admiring me-handsome-boy-ie.

What surprises me most was this,

my dog actually played with a

Check this out...

He's so adorable, isn't he?
pps: Will update about prom soon.